Dr. I.M. Bennani-Baiti, Executive Editor of Cancer Epigenetics

I.M. Bennani-Baiti

Executive Editor,
Clinical Cancer Epigenetics Journal


Dr. I.M. Bennani-Baiti currently serves as the Executive Editor of Clinical Cancer Epigenetics Journal. Dr. Bennani-Baiti has longstanding interests in pediatric cancer, epigenetics, epigenomics, chemistry, and biomathematics. He has extensive experience in reviewing and editing research papers, serving since 2009 as the Executive Editor or Editor to 9 biomedical journals, and as a Reviewer to more than a dozen other journals. A University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Human Genetics Fellow, he is also a Howard Hughes scholar who served on the Faculty of St. Louis University School of Medicine under the chairmanship of Dr. William Sly, a member of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, who characterized the syndrome named after him. Other tenures include the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York alongside Dr. Mark Ptashne, Lasker Award laureate and member of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, first under the leadership of Dr. Paul Marks, member of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, and later Dr. Harold Varmus, former director of the National Institute of Health (NIH) and of the National Cancer Institute (NCI), Lasker Award and Nobel Prize laureate, and member of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. Dr. Bennani-Baiti is a member of the Society for Mathematical Biology, the American Chemical Society, and the AACR Pediatric Cancer Working Group. He is also a member of the New York Academy of Sciences, USA, and President of the Cancer Epigenetics Society.

Most Recent Articles:

1Liersch-Löhn B et al. Differential protein expression and oncogenic gene network link tyrosine kinase Ephrin B4 receptor to aggressive gastric and gastroesophageal junction cancers. International Journal of Cancer 138: 1220-1231; 2016.

2Toegel S et al. Galectin-1 couples glycobiology to inflammation in osteoarthritis through the activation of an NF-kB-regulated gene network. Journal of Immunology 196: 1910-1921; 2016.

Bennani-Baiti N & Bennani-Baiti IM. Cancer bioinformatic methods to infer meaningful data from small-size cohorts. Cancer Informatics 14: 131-139; Nov 2, 2015.

Bennani-Baiti B et al. Inflammation modulates RLIP76/RALBP1 electrophile-glutathione conjugate transporter and housekeeping genes in human blood brain barrier endothelial cells. PLoS One 10: e0139101; Sep 25, 2015.


Most Read Reviews:

3Bennani-Baiti IM. Integration of ERα-PELP1-HER2 signaling by LSD1 (KDM1A/AOF2) offers combinatorial therapeutic opportunities to circumventing hormone resistance in breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research 14: 112.

4Bennani-Baiti B & Bennani-Baiti IM. Gene symbol precision. Gene 491: 103-109.

Bennani-Baiti IM. Epigenetic and epigenomic mechanisms shape sarcoma and other mesenchymal tumor pathogenesis. Epigenomics 3: 715-732.


Most Cited Papers:

5Richter GHS et al. EZH2 is a mediator of EWS/FLI1 driven tumor growth and metastasis blocking endothelial and neuroectodermal differentiation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 106: 5324-5329.

Torigoi E et al. Chip interacts with diverse homeodomain proteins and potentiates Bicoid activity in vivo. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 97: 2686-2691.

Bennani-Baiti IM et al. HS I,II of the human growth hormone locus control region is a major developmental activator of somatotrope gene expression. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 95: 10655-10660.

6Bennani-Baiti IM et al., Lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1/KDM1A/AOF2/BHC110) is expressed and is an epigenetic drug target in chondrosarcoma, Ewing’s sarcoma, osteosarcoma, and rhabdomyosarcoma. Hum Pathol 43: 1300-1307.

7Bennani-Baiti IM et al. Notch signalling is off and is uncoupled from HES1 expression in Ewing’s sarcoma. J Pathol 225: 353-363.

Bennani-Baiti IM et al. Intercohort gene expression co-analysis reveals chemokine receptors as prognostic indicators in Ewing’s sarcoma. Clin Cancer Res 16: 3769-3778.

8Ban J et al. EWS-FLI1 suppresses NOTCH-activated p53 in Ewing’s sarcoma. Cancer Res 68: 7100-7109.


(1)Paper made the cover of the 1st of March, 2016 issue of Int. J. Cancer
(2)Paper selected for the Research Highlight of the February 4, 2016 issue of Nature Rev. Rheumatol.
(3)Paper in the top 10 most downloaded papers from Breast Cancer Res. in 2012
(4)Paper was subject of the 10th of February, 2012 Editorial of Science
(5)Paper cited more than 3-times the impact factor of P.N.A.S. in the 2010-2016 period
(6)Paper in the top 25 most cited papers from Hum. Pathol. in the 2011-2016 period.
(7)Findings in paper ranked as the most important discovery in pathology in 2011 by Healthday.
(8)Paper was chosen to be part of the selection of Faculty of 1000.